array (
'error' =>
array (
'code' => 429,
'message' => 'Quota exceeded for quota metric \'All requests\' and limit \'All requests per day\' of service \'\' for consumer \'project_number:973754583362\'.',
'details' =>
array (
0 =>
array (
'@type' => '',
'reason' => 'RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED',
'domain' => '',
'metadata' =>
array (
'quota_limit' => 'ApiCallsPerProjectPerDay',
'quota_limit_value' => '0',
'service' => '',
'quota_metric' => '',
'consumer' => 'projects/973754583362',
'quota_location' => 'global',
1 =>
array (
'@type' => '',
'links' =>
array (
0 =>
array (
'description' => 'Request a higher quota limit.',
'url' => '',
Error, could not find album specified ( A Deus Toda Honra Toda Glória - Confraternização Colaboradores - EBD 2018<br>Fotos: João Aurélio ) for user ( fotosjesuscomigo )
array ( 'error' => array ( 'code' => 429, 'message' => 'Quota exceeded for quota metric \'All requests\' and limit \'All requests per day\' of service \'\' for consumer \'project_number:973754583362\'.', 'status' => 'RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED', 'details' => array ( 0 => array ( '@type' => '', 'reason' => 'RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED', 'domain' => '', 'metadata' => array ( 'quota_limit_value' => '0', 'quota_location' => 'global', 'service' => '', 'quota_metric' => '', 'consumer' => 'projects/973754583362', 'quota_limit' => 'ApiCallsPerProjectPerDay', ), ), 1 => array ( '@type' => '', 'links' => array ( 0 => array ( 'description' => 'Request a higher quota limit.', 'url' => '', ), ), ), ), ), )
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